Alexandra Elena Todd

Mad About Union Square

Alexandra Elena Todd
Mad About Union Square
"One belongs to New York instantly, one belongs to it as much in five minutes as in five years."
-Tom Wolfe

'Tis The Season! Happy Holidays Everyone, I want to thank you all for following me on all my social media platforms and being so supportive in my adventure of taking on a Blog this year.  I have met so many amazing fellow influencers, budding & experienced photographers, collaborated with new & old brands & created content that I am truly proud of.   THANK YOU for being awesome YOU! Xo Read below to learn about Mad About Manhattan's beginning and tips on how to start a blog of your own! 

Mad About Manhattan was conceived in Philadelphia last March when I started thinking of an outlet for my creative juices with lifestyle modeling and photography.  As an actress, I wanted to promote art and positivity out on the web instead of just maintaining a small personal page with no real connection to anyone or anything.  Mad About Manhattan gained tracking, following and sparked collaborations and partnerships with brands way faster than I could have ever imagined!  I feel so blessed and will continue to promote self love, confidence, affordable style and kindness. 

I am not ashamed to be one of the few bloggers who smiles!  Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of fierce ladies out there working it!--I just know if I try to be too serious, I crack up laughing and look ridiculous.  Throughout the building of my blog, I learned a lot about myself, what I stand for and what I want to share with the world on my blog.  I strongly believe that when creating a platform, there should be only good intentions.  "Fame" and "Glory" is not why most tremendously successful bloggers, or actors for that matter, do what they do, it's about sharing knowledge, passion and affecting people in a positive or helpful way.  This is how I view acting as an art form as well.  Mad About Manhattan is bright, cheery, saturated in color and vibrant clothes because that's how I feel inside & view the world. 


I have people ask me "How Do I start a Blog?" and "How did you get collaborations with huge brands like Ralph Lauren and Talbots?"  The answer is, creating consistent engaging content that sparks something in the viewer.  I could post a plain picture with no editing style or pizzaz--but that's no fun!  I like creating another little world on my page, the way I see it--Bright & Optimistic!  If you have followed any other bloggers, you will soon realize that everyone has their own authentic look, tone, color pattern and way of writing on their blog.  This is what makes everyone great & different!  I believe what is considered unique can actually be who you truly are!  I always say, "There is only One You & THAT is your gift." (Can you tell I used to be a Pre-School Teacher?) 

I connected with a fabulously talented and popular photographer, Luc Jean-Baptiste over Instagram, and we finally shot this shoot yesterday! (His Website Here)  These photos represent me well as to where I am now.  It was extremely dreary and rainy yesterday, and we both thought there might be no use in shooting, but we pushed forward and tried a few shots and loved how they came out!  This gorgeous dress can be purchased here!   I live in these over the knee almost thigh high black suede chunky heeled boots, snag them here or a look alike pair here . :)


For my over look, grab this gorgeous camel wool jacket here!  I partnered with Talbots AGAIN (beyond pinching myself, I have loved them for y e a r s) and they sent me this perfect hot pink faux fur scarf that pairs perfectly with the camel jacket with a pop of color to brighten any dark winter day!  You can shop this special piece here.   I will be posting more of my Talbots collaboration soon!  


Be YOU!  It takes us women a very long time to become comfortable with ourselves, find out who we truly want to be and then accept that person!  I am not saying I have a full grasp on this myself, we all struggle with this every day, but I make sure to practice self love & appreciation.  I am grateful for my wonderful family and loving friends who always support me in whatever crazy dream I pursue.  We rise by lifting others, and especially us girls need to support girls!  And all talented people who are working hard every day.  Whenever I stumble across a terrific photographer or blogger or actor I give him or her major props!  It's not easy following your passions, and I make sure to credit those who might need a pick me up when you least expect it.  

Also, be engaging!  I make sure to say Thank You to every single person who comments on my photos or sends me a message or email.  Treat people like humans!  It goes a long way in any career choice.  I reach out to photographers and other bloggers just as much as they reach out to me, it's a supportive community if you allow your ego to go.  If you are starting out try to find your niche, your tone, your style and then CREATE!  It may be scary, and hard and quite ugly in the beginning but one thing everyone knows deep down when trying out anything, you need to fail or fall on your face before you become great!  I look back this time last year and wonder what that girl was thinking, but I studied, researched and grew.  Every blogger, actor or any hard working professional will tell you they had to trip a few times before coming out with a finished product.  Remember to be patient with yourself and good things will come.  I truly believe this.  


Alright, that's it for now, but if you want more blogging tips or experience stories let me know!  Comment my instagram or DM/Email me because I love hearing from you.  I am writing my New Years Resolutions and am excited to share mine and some good thoughts to carry into the New Year for everyone in the next post!  Stay warm my friends.

All the love & hot chocolate, A Xo
Mad About Manhattan 

Lover of travel, golden sunshine & all things art.