"& suddenly you know... It's time to start something new & trust the magic of beginnings."
Hey Mad About Manhattanites! It has been quite a while, and this post will cover why. The last month or so has been an abundance of changes, both good ones and learning experiences. Before I dive into my new series below, I just want to make a shout out to New York being the best playground for shoots, the star in this one being a fabulous $1.50 Bagel, and my amazing photographer, Tiffany Chen, who I always love trying the unexpected with. We were both troopers shivering in the cold but I could not be happier with my comeback post and photos! Details on the look at the very end. You ready for the new series? It's surely uncomfortable...
In the last month or so I have traveled to Florida and home to Pennsylvania and have discovered so much about myself and what others are going through. Through catching up with my girlfriends, who are all in different parts of their lives and some a bit older while others are a tad younger, no matter what we talk about, ultimately the conversation always goes towards the same result: "Why am I restless? I need a change. What do I want? Is there more?" All of these questions cover the topic of CHANGE.
Here I thought I was all alone at this crossroad I have recently been struggling with in my personal and professional life. Everyone puts on such a great mask while posting on social media about how happy they are, how perfect their lives are and while there are surely great moments in everyone's life, there are so many ups and downs, lights and darks to people's every day. They always say you never know what goes on behind closed doors and that could not be more true. When I talked deeply with my different groups of friends, I realized absolutely NO ONE has it all together, all figured out. Even those friends or couples you are envious about how blissful they seem have fights, sadness and stress.
So, is change good? Is it scary? Is it safe or wise? Yes, yes, yes and yes! Of course Change feels like you are shedding a skin involuntarily most of the time and that is how it is supposed to feel. If it was warm and cozy, everyone would be switching jobs left and right, moving to a different city every day, Lord knows nothing would be stable! CHANGE = IMPROVEMENT. It may not seem like it right after a storm hits or blows over, but in picking up the pieces or packing up to move forward, you are ultimately growing, and living. I hate facing my fears or admitting my doubts to anyone, but especially to myself. You know those moments when you lay in bed at night right before you fall asleep and you do a run through in your mind of all your decisions, wants, hopes, fears and desires? OR is that just me?! There will always be something more out there. Another job, another house, another opportunity. Change is inevitable. It is up to you to embrace or dig your heels in. By doing the latter, you are missing out on growth, opportunity, fulfillment and ultimately... happiness. I know, I know, "How would you know or understand my situation?" You are right, I do not and would not understand, however, YOU know yourself and YOU can either help yourself or hurt yourself. Change is meant to be fuel for progress.
If every day, or more often than not, you are complaining about your job, or your relationship or past... CHANGE it. You were not put on this Earth to be miserable. You are meant to reach YOUR full capacity whatever that means for you! We are all doing the very best we can, we are all pushing and hustling and that is the perfect catalyst for change. I believe personally that God works his wonders into my life through strange and mysterious ways at often the not preferred times, however, I usually look back and smile. I always feel grateful for "unanswered prayers." Doors close for reasons we may never know, but either windows open or new paths form that are meant for us. The best part is that WE get to decide! We can choose to hide and avoid what is hard and difficult to do. OR we can tackle our own destiny and purpose with fervor and determination. Yeah, it's not gonna be easy, but it'll sure be Worth IT.
Hey you, you are not alone. We are all in this together, riding these crazy waves called life. Reach out to your friends, loved ones, colleague or stranger on the train (be careful), and talk about it. Talk about your worries, make Pro & Con Lists, laugh about it, cry about it, seek advice. I turn to my family and core group of girls to help me with everything in life, and having them simply listen and take my thoughts seriously means the world. It is not about your support group necessarily giving you the answers or guidance you are searching for, it is about feeling heard and loved. I am telling you You are heard and You and your worries are Valid. I promise. When hard times or amazing times come into your life, the best way to handle them is to go THROUGH them, to feel, deal and work through the ups and downs. Be gentle to those who have trouble embracing change we all have things we would give anything to stay the same. We do not have it all figured out, and I have a secret for you, we never will, and that's OKAY. Take comfort in knowing if you are restless, at a crossroads or about to make the biggest decision of your life thus far, you CAN do it. It would not be brought to you if you could not handle it. So, be patient but firm in your dreams and yourself while trying to be friends with change. Xo
Lover of travel, golden sunshine & all things art.