Hey! Long Time No See!
Hi Mad About Manhattan lovelies, I have been totally off the radar this summer! I am sure you have been enjoying the lovely weather with friends and family as well-so you know how it feels to take time to enjoy life. I decided I needed to take time and reevaluate how I want to be viewed in blogging, acting and all other facets of my life. I feel that our society today gives people the sense that it is weak to slow down. That it is a flaw to say, "I need a moment." Everyone expects you to Go-Go-GO! I have recently started meditating (I am still trying to get past two minutes of clear thought) and realized our minds are constantly racing. I believe everyone struggles with some form of anxiety or worrying in their life and how you choose to handle that stress says a lot about you and how you treat yourself.
There is not enough emphases placed on the importance of self care. Now I know you may be thinking, "Okay, Alex, I can get a massage sometime this month, whatever." I highly support that relaxing endeavor, however, I am talking about mental and emotional self care. I share with you this topic because I have been currently struggling with it myself and have been embarrassed or ashamed to say things to myself such as, "I need some time to regroup." or "Why am I not taking better care of myself?" These are questions that plague not only people in their 20's but of all ages and the thing is, it never stops. The worrying, the comparison to others, the mild envy of how some seem to handle things better than you, or fear that you may fall behind if you take a moment to breathe.
Sometimes the biggest step to solving this icky feeling of doubt, fear, stress, worry and anxiety is simply: recognizing it. Accepting that you are not happy with how you might be handling something negative or murky in your life is HUGE! This summer I decided to slow down, take time and recollect my thoughts and revamp all my energy into what I enjoy and want to pursue. This means reaching out to people I may have lost in touch with, finding more time to enjoy the love of friends and family close to my heart, or not punishing myself for possible weight gain/lack of sleep, or criticizing hormonal changes that happen when one gets older. The key is to always be gentle with yourself. I know it is SO difficult. When everything and everyone out there is telling you to be perfect at all times and to never let down the facade.
With the grace that I have been giving myself over the last few months I have gained:
-New Friends
-New Skills
-New Ideas
-Tender Loving Care
I support YOU for exactly WHERE you are at, WHO you are and WHAT you are pursuing. Do not be ashamed to step back, reflect, save some energy, be kind to yourself and to hush negative thoughts. Find healthy outlets. Start new GOOD habits. Create a new routine, and accept positive change. Clear the cluttered mindset of, "I HAVE to get all this done, I HAVE to look good, I HAVE to sound eloquent and BE the best image of myself etc." Take it one step at a time, take that breath, sleep in when your body needs it, exercise when you feel stuck or frustrated, seek out friendship or love when you need it and when you do not. Give Give Give. I recently started volunteering with a terrific organization called Best Buddies, and I LOVE spending time with my buddy. The feeling of connecting with someone and becoming something more than just you and your needs is beyond comparison. Remember: you are important and valid, and require positive good thoughts and energy to grow. Sending you patience, peace and good vibes your way. Xo A
Photographer: Luc Jean-Baptiste
Luc's Instagram