Alexandra Elena Todd


Alexandra Elena Todd



As a society, we are programmed to show how tough we are, and to not need to ask anyone for help.  We are told by social media and the outside world that we "aren't good enough" or "need to be better."  I say BASH those notions and unnecessary thoughts in the New Year and embrace how far you have come and who you are now!  Try this when you look in the mirror tonight or tomorrow: pick 3 things you LIKE about yourself or are most PROUD of today, right now.  Remind yourself that NO ONE is perfect, and that you are YOU and that is perfectly imperfect.  We women especially find burdens placed on us to look, act and be flawless.  Our flaws are what make us beautiful and unique, and they should be celebrated!  So, raise a glass of champagne to those freckles, that work assignment you finally completed or just, wonderful You.


I for one, have always been a female hustler but like most, am prone to procrastination and dwelling in the occasional low moments.  This year, I promise to push myself harder than ever in a positive direction in pursing my dreams.  My career choice will get up and leave without you if you are not proactive.  I tell myself to do one thing every day to further my path.  Progress does not have to be instantaneous, it happens through consistency and determination over time.  Keep track of the year with a fun planner that gives you joy, or an Apple watch that follows your every move throughout the day.  I find putting Post-It notes throughout my house, such as on the front door, to remind myself of important tasks or to celebrate tiny victories.  I also seek to find classes fitting for me to expand my mind and career, maintain a healthy social life, and leave room for a good night's sleep with solid "Me" time regularly.  My mom taught me how the best first step to accomplishing anything is creating a List.  Writing things down and crossing them off when done is the best feeling ever.  I aim to better organize my life and home.  Having a clean work space really does wonders.   It is vital to set goals into achievable small steps and to not throw yourself into one giant one that seems daunting and unattainable.  Success waits for no one and 2018 is the year to go OUT and DO!  


Ugh! Here it is, the same general hope I aim for every year- FITNESS.  Living in Manhattan, I tend to walk 8-12 miles a day without even realizing it (I prefer to walk over transportation when I can).  However, I feel a lack of energy and zest in my every day life that can only be achieved through some form of intentional exercise.  I vow to find a boxing class I actually like and will STICK with.  I am eager to get back into dance (jazz, tap and ballet), and to sharpen my rusty dance skills.  NYC has free yoga!  Yoga To The People leaves no excuse for any New Year health seeker.  So find a Soul Cycle, Barre or FlyWheel class, dance to that ZUMBA DVD, jog in the park with your best friend or simply download a work out at home app and strive to feel fit, healthy and toned at your pace.  Finding the motivation is tough, believe me, I know far too well how the couch and fridge call my name, but a great idea to help is to create a cool playlist that gets you pumped up or to text a friend to liven the experience.  PS. Having an ΓΌber cute water bottle, yoga mat or snazzy boxing gloves might help you shimmy out of those sweatpants!



Every year it is easy to get caught up in "Me, Me, Me" but it is crucial to remember to share love, admiration and appreciation to those in our lives who help us and love us.  I am not a fighter, I am a lover, and I make sure to tell those important to me often how special they are to me and to send all my girls a "Love ya" or at least a funny note or something to make them smile.  Every day is a blessing, and we are not promised the next, so be more caring in all relationships, friendships and work partnerships in 2018.  Even if some days this seems harder to do than most, I have found that if I hunt deep within myself for a compliment or nice thing to say to someone, whether it be to a stranger, family or friend, I end up feeling relieved and a tiny bit stronger.  We can be hard people to love at times, and those who stand by our sides through thick and thin should be loved extra.  You rise by raising others, you gain by giving to others and you love by loving others.  


Let us admit, we have all held onto grudges a little too long.  This year, practice forgiveness.  Even if the person may or may not "deserve" it, you deserve to find peace and hopefully send that person or situation off with a little goodwill too.  I know some things are just hard to let go, trust me, as people, we are wired to protect ourselves from being hurt or caught off guard again.  However, the world will end up being a very dark and lonely place if we death grip our grudges and bitterness.  Remember that everyone is fighting a hard battle, and some hide it better than others.  You never truly know what another person is going through, and most of the time it has nothing to do with you.  Keep in mind that everyone is human and that we all make mistakes.  Receiving respect comes from giving respect to all and seeing where other people are coming from, even when you do not understand.  We are all fragile, and in 2018 let us remember that forgiving those who have hurt us or done us wrong is being the bigger person who is free of darkness in their heart and thus, lighter in their lives.  



Lover of travel, golden sunshine & all things art.